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Holden Retirees Club

 Members' Documents and History

A repository for privately held documents about Holden people and things, personal recollections and untold history

(To search index press Control/Command key and F together and enter search term)

Note: Itms marked (PC) are scans of photocopies, which have been included where the original is not available, the quality is readable, and the subject is of sufficient interest. 

 Contributor  Subject Area  Year/s  Content  Link  
 Marcus McInnesHolden History 1923 The Bulletin, 19 July 1923 - The Growth of a Great Australian Industry PDF
 Darrell ThomasWoodville 1924/90 Woodville Tool Room - Its History, Capabilities and Success StoriesPDF 
 Phil VirgonaGMA  c1926 GM Country Dealers Council (NSW) Stock location  cards PDF
 HoldenGMA1926   GM World: Opening of the Sydney Branch (PC) PDF
 HoldenHolden 1928/94 Holden emblems used from 1928 to 1994 PDF
 HoldenGMH1930   GM World: Sydney publicity stunt (PC) PDF
 HoldenGMH 1930   GM World: "General Motors & Holden" formed by merger of the two companies (PC) PDF
 HoldenGMH 1934   GM World: L. Hartnett appointed as MD, plus organisation (PC) PDF
 HoldenGMH 1935   GM World: the re-opening of Perth Plant PDF
 Marc McInnesFishermens Bend 1935 GM-H Business booms in Australia - GM WorldPDF 
 Holden Holden1935  The "Early History of Holden's and Their Present Methods of Mass Production Body Building" - An address to student members of the Institution of Engineers by S.W. Smith. Includes an interesting description of working with wooden car components. PDF
 HoldenHolden 1935  Financial analysis of Holden, reports improving prospects for the company following lean years. PDF
 Holden GMH1935   GM World: Holden's New Melbourne Plant (PC) PDF
 HioldenGMH 1936  GM World: Holden acquires site and builds a plant at Melbourne (PC) PDF
 Neil Pogson Fishermens Bend1936  Deed of Grant of land for an Automobile Factory at FBPDF 
 HoldenGMH 1937  GM World: Opening of Perth Branch PDF
 Bill CuthbertsonHolden1939 Aerial Views of Fishermans Bend  JPG
 Holden ACI1939/40  Collection of 1934/40 press clippings re establishment of Aust auto build by Australian Consolidated Industries. PDF
 HoldenWoodville 1939-45  Woodville labour load chart, indexed against WW2 events. PDF
 Marcus McInnesPre 48_215c1940 Australia Potentially a Manufacturing Country study PDF
 Una (Dell) MarcusFishermens Bend c1940  Recollections of GMA and the birth of Holden by A W Jobson (1926-1969)PDF 
 HoldenGMH Pagewood 1940  GM World: A new Plant rises in Sydney (PC) PDF
  Roger Gibbs Miscellaneous1940 Holden wartime activities - Manufacturing a 2 pounder Artillery Gun PDF
 Marcus McInnesPre 48_215June 1942 Essington Lewis to Hartnett re visit to GM PDF
 Holden GMH 1942   GM World: Australia Beats its Ploughshares into Guns (PC) PDF
 Holden GMHc1943   GM World: GM Products in action (PC) PDF
 Phil VirgonaAdvertising 1944 Womans Weekly advertisement for Holden built Torpedos JPG
 Phil VirgonaAdvertising 1944  Womans Weekly advertisement for Holden built Bombers JPG
 Marcus McInnesPre 48_215July 1944 PM Chifley to Hartnett re visit to GM PDF
 Marcus McInnesPre 48_215Oct 1944 Govt invitation for GMH to submit proposal to build an Australian car. PDF
 Hugh HealeyPre 48_215Oct1944  GM data "Market, Product and Cost data for proposed Australian car" PDF
  Roger Gibbs Miscellaneous1944  Holden's first venture into 'real' Auto manufacture - The Pedal Car PDF
 Marcus McInnesPre 48_215Jan 1945 Hartnett's proposal to Govt to build a car in Australia PDF
 Marcus McInnesPre 48_215Jan 1945 Hartnett's MD's Directives for the Australian Car Project PDF
 Marcus McInnesPre 48_215 Feb 1945 PM Chifley's response to GMH proposal for a new car PDF
 HoldenPre 48_215 1944/45  Green Light 50 years ago - a summary of Legislative steps by Federal Parliament in the eventual approval of an Australian Car Industry. PDF
 Marcus McInnesPre 48-2151936/45 Bill Abbot on early planning for the Australian Car Project. PDF
 Marcus McInnes48_215Mar 1945 Bill Abbot's first Engineering report on the Australian Car Project PDF
 Hugh Healey48_215 May1945  Australian Seating Buck testing and approvals PDF
 Marcus McInnes48_215 July1945  Hartnett to Quarry - proto 2008 job loacl approval pushPDF 
 Marcus McInnes48_215Aug1945 Quarry to Hartnett - latest design review in  US and reasons for rejectionPDF
 Graham Hales48_215Dec 1945Project submission for 48/215 Holden manufacture PDF  
 Holden Frigidaire1945 GM World: Frigidaire in action in the Pacific PDF
 Marcus McInnes48-2151945 Bill Abbot's recollections of engineering activities at GM to prepare for 48-215PDF
 Marcus McInnesGMH 1945  Advertisement by Myer for GMH designed and built Caravan. JPG
 Frank Shetliffe48_215 1946  History of GMOO approvals of investments in the New Australian Car PDF
 Bill CuthbertsonHolden 1946  GMH Wheelbarrow and Scooter production PDF
 HoldenGMH 1946  Australia's Industrial Opportunity - report on the GMH AGM 31 May 1946 PDF
 Greg Alford Service1947  Service Dept Annual Conference and Dinner (signed menu)  PDF
 HoldenHolden  1947   Sir Edward Holden Obituary PDF
 HoldenHolden c 1947 Jack Rawnsley Talk on the Origin and Dev of the 48-215 Holden PDF
 Marcus McInnesHolden Family 1947  A history of the Holden Family. PDF
 Holden48_2151948 Invitation to Prime Minister Chifley to launch the new car and letters re date shift. PDF
Holden 48_2151948 First Holden BrochurePDF
 HoldenHolden 1948 November 29 issue of Sydney Daily Mirror, with Holden announcement PDF
 HoldenHolden 1948  November 29 issue of Sydney Sun, with Holden announcement PDF
 Roger Gibbs Miscellaneous1948 Personal recollections of the launch of the 48/215 Holden PDF
 Marc McInnes Eng - History 1948 History of Russell Stuart Begg, Chief Engineer of the first Holden PDF
 Holden48_215 1948  Official Presentation of the New Holden PDF
 Holden48_215 1948   New Australian Car Publicity and Press releases PDF
 Holden48_215 1948   Speeches made at the Release of the New Australian car PDF
 Holden48_215 1948   Program details for release of the New Australian car PDF
 HoldenHolden 1948   Mr Bettle speaks about the christening of the new Holden PDF
 Holden48_215 1948   Press Releases for the New Australian Car PDF
Holden 48_2151948General Motors New Australian Car PDF
 HoldenGMH 1948  GM World: Australia Builds a Motor Car  PDF
 Holden48_215 1948   Details of the Melbourne street Circuit used to test the 48_215 PDF
 HoldenSales 1948   Customer's receipt for purchase of a 48_215 PDF
 HoldenGMH 1948  Personnel Directory of staff  PDF
 Marc McInnes48-215 c1948  "Before Lang Lang" -  An account of incidents that occurred while road testing three prototype cars for Project 320 (48-215) - before Lang Lang! PDF
 Holden48-215 1949  Road Test of the new Holden 48-215, March 1949 PDF
 Marc McInnes Body Engineer 1949  Short bio of Charles Phillips, Holden Body Engineer in 1949 JPG 
 HoldenHoldens & GMH 1949  Detailed body delivery quantities from Woodville between 1917 and August 1949 PDF
 HoldenPublic Affairs 1950  A 1950's view of the story behind "Body by Holden" and "The Story of Holden" PDF
 Holden48_215 1951 Uncommon poster for 48_215 Sedan and Utility JPG
 HoldenMarketing 1952  Advertisements in "The Australian Womans Weekly" and " Womans Day and Home" magazines PDF
 HoldenMarketing 1953  Brochure advertising a novel by Frank Clune "Land of Australia", recounting a trip around Australia in a Holden, calling at the Plants on the way. PDF
 HoldenFinance 1953  Financial Review article defending against criticism in Parliament of the GMH profits PDF
 HoldenHolden 1953 Article from "The Sun" newspaper of May 1953 about the 100,000th Holden milestone. PDF
 Holden Finance1953 Fin Review article defending GMH profit making. JPG
 Warwick Bryce Engineering1953 The true story of how the 'FX' Holden got its nickname. PDF
 Holden GMH1954  Further Expansion - announcing expanded facilities incl Dandenong plant PDF
 HoldenHolden  c1954 "The Holden Story" - issued by Public Relations PDF
 HoldenHolden 1956 Sheet Music for "Holden' you in my Holden" PDF
 Harold Ingamells P.G. Testing 1954-57 Building the Proving Ground PDF
 HoldenExport 1956  Holden Export brochure PDF
 Barry BlackFX/FJ 1948-56  Restorer's Hints PDF
 Barry BlackFX/FJ1948-56  Restorer's Hints - Service Bulletins PDF
 Barry BlackFX/FJ1948-56  Nasco Accessories list PDF
 Harold Ingamells P.G. - Testing Pre-1957 History of GM-H Durability Testing PDF
 Neil PogsonHolden 1957   Problems in  establishing an  Auto Manufacturing Plant in Australia - Lecture by F.P. Callahan PDF
 Chris Shattock Proving Ground1957 The story of The Great Kangaroo Hunt at the Proving GroundPDF
 Bill CuthbertsonHolden 1957 GMH Apprentice Evening Program JPG
 John Laurie GMNZ1957  Remember when Holden cars were built in New Zealand? PDF
 Phil VirgonaGMH c1957  List of films available from the GM-H Film Library. PDF
 Holden GMH 1958 Congratulation telegrams on the production of the half millionth Holden PDF
 HoldenHolden 1958 Elizabeth Plant construction site 3rd July 1958  PDF
 Holden Holden1958  Elizabeth Plant alternative design model. PDF
 Bill CuthbertsonHolden 1958   GMH Apprentice Evening Program PDF
Holden Materials1958 Freight cost estimates for shipping vehicles between plants PDF
 Ron Hastings GMH1930s-60s A history of Dunstan Hastings, how he came to GMH from Argentina to Plant Manager of two Holden Assembly Plants PDF
 John CrennanSales & Marketing 1960's  Remember when? - Memories of a 16 year old Mail Boy at Fishermens  Bend PDF
 HoldenGMH1960 Letter confirming details of addition of PTY to company name. PDF
 HoldenHolden 1961   Brief History of H A Frost PDF
 HoldenHolden 1961   History of Arthur Rymill and the brothers Irwin (Directors) PDF
 HoldenHolden1961   Letter from Hoglund to Bettle 1951 re proposed volume increases for Holden PDF
 HoldenHolden 1961  "Speakers Notes" - GMH facts and figures, first issue from GMH Public Affairs 1961 PDF
 HoldenHolden 1962  History of Holden and Birks PDF
 HoldenHolden 1962   Walsall Observer article "Holden name liked to Wasall" PDF
 Holden GM Corp1962"The World-Wide Corporation in a modern Economy" PDF
 Holden Elizabeth1963  Invitation/Information card for Press attending visit of Queen Elizabeth to Elizabeth Plant, 21st February 1963 PDF
 Stewart Underwood
Elizabeth  1963   The Queen Among usPDF 
 Roger GibbsElizabeth1963 The day the Queen came to TownPDF  
 HoldenElizabeth 1963  Layout of the original Elizabeth Plant office block nominating individual's desk locations. PDF
 HoldenTech Centre 1964 Tech Centre opening flyer showing Harold Holt giving a speech.10 June 1964 PDF
 Harold Ingamells  Proving Ground 1964  Proving Ground Brochure PDF
 Bill CuthbertsonHolden 1964   GMH Apprentice Evening Program PDF
Allan GeorgeDandenong 1964  Advertisement in The Sun, 2nd July 1964, for workers for Dandenong Plant PDF
 HoldenFishermens Bend 1965  Layout of Fishermens Bend plot in 1965 PDF
 Stewart UnderwoodElizabeth  1965  Nov 1965 People extract: SOP Elizabeth and closure of Birkenhead PlantPDF 
 Chris Shattock Engineering 1965 Four young Engineers - and how one became a famous playwrite instead! PDF
  Chris Shattock Engineering1966  People Magazine extract - various people JPG
 Hugh VideionEngineering 1966  Seat Belt Integrity Demonstration on 1966 Holden HR  PDF
 Holden Holden1967"The Holden saga" by Frank S Daley: An address to the Royal Historical Society of Victoria. PDF
 Simon KuekAcacia Ridge 1967 GM World review of HB Torana - "Tough enough for the Outback!"PDF 
 Holden Management1967 25 Year Club Dinner menu and member listing PDF
 Warwick ByrceEngine pre-1969 Presentation on development of the Holden V8 engine by Fred James and Ed Silins  PDF
 Bill CuthbertsonHolden 1969  GMH Apprentice Evening Program JPG
 Stewart UnderwoodElizabeth  1969/71  Body-in-White sketches - HQ Coupe, Torana.PDF
 HoldenHurricane 1969  Full technical specifications and discussion of the Holden Hurricane.  PDF
 HoldenHurricane 1970  Address to the SAE Australia on Holden Hurricane design features and development, by E.G. Taylor, J.E. Hutson and D.D. Webster PDF
 HoldenEngineering 1970 Torana GTR_X Engineering Report PDF
 Warwick BryceEngineering  c1970 186 DIESEL Red Motor  PDF
 Neil Pogson Pagewood 1971  Plant Layouts PDF
 Frank ShetliffeGMH1973 A short history of Holden PDF
Frank ShetliffeGMH1973A short history of Holden part 2 PDF 
 Chris Shattock Eng - Test Trip1973 Nullabor - Ivy Tanks as remembered by Hugh Videion and Chris  ShattockPDF
 Colin LewisDandenong 1973  Guide to the Commercial Assembly Plant, Dandenong Assembly  PDF
 Neil Pogson Asm Plants1973   Your Visit to GM Commercial Asembly Plant, Dandenong PDF
 Neil Pogson Pagewood 1974 Plant Statistics - Equipment, Employment, Wages, etc. PDF
 Chris Shattock Proving Ground1974/78 PG Manager recalls "interesting times" at the PGPDF
 HoldenHolden 1975 Certificates of registration of GM-H and GM-H Sales as Foreign Companies operating in South Australia PDF
 HoldenHolden 1975   What you should know about GMH PDF
 Holden Fishermens Bend1976 Jack Rawnsley: A Brief Summary of my 50 years in the Workforce PDF
 Holden Fishermens Bend1976 Jack Rawnsley: Thoughts on some other projects. PDF
 HoldenFishermens bend 1976 Jack Rawnsley: A Talk on Some Unrecorded Items of Holden History PDF
  Chris Shattock Engineering 1977 "The Australian" article re Reg Hall retirement PDF
 Neil PogsonBedford 1978 You See Them Everywhere - Bedford Commercials vehicles since 1931 PDF
 Holden Engineering1980 Engine Technology Presentation to SAE by Warwick Bryce PDF
 Roger GibbsFishermens Bend  c1980 What the Customer Wanted - Chuck ChapmanPDF 
 Harold Ingermells Engineering1981 Request for Commercial Vehicle Test Trip to Bourke PDF
 HoldenFamily II Engine 1981 A Tour Guide's notes to the Family II Engine plant PDF
 HoldenElectric Vehicles 1981 A GMH update Bulletin on the then current development of Electric Cars. PDF
 HoldenFamily II Engine c1981 Details of work stations on the Ingersol-Rand engine assembly loop. PDF
 HoldenFamily II Engine 1983  Family II engine facts PDF
 Neil PogsonShared Manfr 1983  Nissan Astra shared program announced. PDF 
 Neil PogsonExecutive 1986  Closure of the FB Executive Dining Room PDF 
 Holden Acacia Ridge1986 Sale of Acacia Ridge site JPG
 Neil PogsonHolden 1986  Announcement of the split into HMC and HECC PDF 
 Neil PogsonHolden / HMC1986  Conditions of Employment for HMC Award Free Employees PDF 
 HoldenHolden1986  Holden's new structure - Full comments from Chuck Chapman on HVO/HEO split (Auto Reviews) PDF
 HoldenHolden1987 Holden - Chapman has his say on his 12 years at Holden (Auto Reviews) PDF
 Neil PogsonHolden 1987  Announcement of Toyota Joint Venture, Stage 1 PDF 
 HoldenHolden 1987   How the Joint Venture will work (Auto Reviews) PDF
 HoldenMarketing1987  Holden Marketing Dept Restructure  PDF
 Holden Sunraycer 1987  Sunraycer article about drivers John Harvey and Molly Brennan PDF
 Marcus McInnesSunraycer c1987  World Solar Challenge - Quiet Achiever to Tesla - Holden’s Role PDF
 Warwick BryceHEC 1988  Holden's secret Overhead Cam V8 engine PDF
 HoldenHolden 1989  An Appraisal of Holden and the Australian Auto Industry by John Bagshaw (Auto Reviews) PDF
 Neil PogsonHolden 1990  The World of Holden - VN era PDF
 Neil PogsonHolden 1992  Announcement of Toyota Joint Venture, Stage 2  PDF
 Holden Corp Affairs1992Holden Vehicle Operations - A History PDF
 Jeff Jamieson Elizabeth1992 Honda/Holden Joint Projects PDF
 HoldenGMH 1992   Four Designers at the National Museum with their cars (see also Photos) PDF
 Holden GMH 1994 In the Beginning.. An article by Frank Shetliffe PDF
 Neil PogsonElectric vehicles 1994   GM  EV1 Electric car specifications PDF
 Neil Pogson Prod Development1994The Saga of the Saab 2.3L Turbo engined Commodore PDF
 Marc McInnes Holdenc 1994  Recording of a discussion with Charlie Patterson PDF
 Marc McInnes50th Anniversary 1994 Marc's outline of activities to celebrate 50th Anniversary PDF
 Peter GibbsFishermens Bend 1998 Holden 50th Anniversary - 3 Men and their Icon.JPG 
 Neil PogsonHolden Engine Co.1998   Working With the World PDF
 Marc McInnes50th Anniversary 1998  Jack Rawnsley's comments on draft copy of "Heart of the Lion" book, including interesting comments on 48-215 design, PDF
 Marc McInnes50th Anniversary 1998  Marc conceived and outlined the "Heart of the Lion" book, PDF
 Hugh VideionHolden 2012   Eulogy for Chuck Chapman PDF
 Neil PogsonPublication2019 List of corrections in the Iconic Treasurers Archive bookPDF